The core of my services is a custom-designed ceremony, developed and scripted based upon our conversations and the story you want to tell. Whether a simple, brief ceremony or a larger, more-elaborate offering, we will work together to make sure that the each piece reflects the values shared by you and your partner. Reading selection, staging, blocking, and my own scripting are all part of this process, and we can include an array of cultural traditions, including wine blessings, handfasting, and much more.
Vow Consultation and Assistance
Are you looking to write your own vows? While many couples opt for the tried-and-true standards, drafting your own vows is a wonderful way to express the particulars of your love for one another. If desired, I would be happy to assist you both in this process, helping to identify effective anecdotes and themes, arrange them into a meaningful arc, and (perhaps most importantly) ensuring that both sets of vows complement one another in style and length.
Wedding Website Design
Ensuring that your guests are well-informed about your upcoming nuptials can be quite the endeavor in itself. I'd gladly help ease that burden, utilizing a template-based Squarespace site (the same service that powers this website) to quickly and elegantly keep everyone in the loop.
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